Friends of PKF

Friendship takes many forms. Become a member of the Friends of the PKF, purchase a subscription to the PKF Lobkowicz series or buy a donation ticket.


About the Friends of PKF

Friends of PKF

Friends of the PKF - Prague Philharmonia who have decided to support this exceptional musical ensemble with a financial donation. 

Come among us and follow the projects of the orchestra (PKF) from the beginning to the moment of their realization. You will be close to the artists and the birth of the best that exists on our planet - because art brings beauty, harmony and understanding.


Become our Friends

Děkujeme mecenášům

Děkujeme našim mecenášům za nákup hudebních nástrojů:

Karlu Schwarzenbergovi i. m. za lesní roh a flétnu,
Juliu Prügerovi za klavír Bechstein,
Adamu Coubalovi za trubku,
Karle Lažanské za Es klarinet,
Ondřeji Žižkovi za triangl,
Zdeňku Bakalovi za basklarinet
a rodině Valových za C klarinet.


Encounters with stories of art.

Four unique donor evenings to support the artistic activities of the PKF - Prague Philharmonia in close cooperation with the Lobkowicz family.


Read more

With support
Hl.město Praha
Ministerstvo kultury
General partner
Komerční banka
Principal partner
General media partner
Česká televize
Principal media partner
Hospodářské noviny
Centrální depozitář cenných papírů
Mozart Prague